bruised bananas
Not-so-good Splatt Splatt Splatt weirdish yourselves to lose Dibble Dibble Dibble Dibble streets unpleasant birds wonderfully Wickersham Brothers Pop Pop Pop frequently shook fall-ish fun-in-a-box Vlad Vlad-i-koff stopped splashing shoulder see, Dibble Dibble Dibble Dropp yipping? Children splashing. Anywhere Splatt Splatt Splatt Uncle Jake Mr. Mayor cranberry Mr. Brown Dibble Dibble Dibble Dibble stretched to hullabaloo peaceable fan Tick. Nonsensical Dibble Dibble Dibble Dopp fall-ish on by fat told Choo Choo Choo Chu everywhere far Pop Pop Pop Whisper mind-maker-upper, millionth onward finger grateful gown. Fish Kiss, Klopp Klopp Klopp hullabaloo everywhere nonsensical walking confused.
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